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Mission Statement

  • To improve, maintain and protect our waterways

  • To provide a consolidated voice for the common good of the community

  • To promote community awareness and concerns regarding the waters, flow-through, shorelines and neighborhoods

  • To provide a liaison between the Association community, local township governments and other agencies

Click here to see full By-Laws

The Secord Lake Association, Inc. Board consists of representation from every township on Secord Lake (Bourret, Clement and Secord)

  • Phil Dast, President

  • Chuck Sikora, Vice President

  • Brent Wilson, Treasurer

  • Tami Johanson, Secretary

  • Mike Szuch, Director

  • Jeff Sorensen, Director

  • Troy Gould, Director

  • Marti Drabing, Director

  • Paul Gorans, Director

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